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Powerchair Soccer Canada

Welcome to the world of Power Soccer, where the game transcends beyond the arena and becomes a way of life. Our diverse community of coaches, athletes, staff, and volunteers all share the same passion for this thrilling sport, one that fosters lasting bonds and opens doors to compete against top teams globally. If you crave the adrenaline of fierce competition and the chance to test your mettle, then Power Soccer could be your ultimate calling. Embrace the challenge and discover the extraordinary journey that awaits you. Are you ready to take on the power?

Support Team Canada!

Together, we can reach the 2025 Copa Americas Cup!

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The Game

Experience the fast-paced and strategic gameplay that makes powerchair soccer exciting to both watch and play.

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The Teams

Feel the competitive spirit as teams from around the country and the world compete for glory on the court.

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The Rules

Learn the 18 laws of the game and push the boundaries of what is possible in adaptive sports.

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Team Canada proudly represents the north at the 2017 FIFPA World Cup.

True North Strong

Powerchair Soccer is an adaptive sport played in a power wheelchair. From amateur athletes to Team Canada, powerchair soccer is competitive, growing, and exposing top talent throughout the country.